Each gamified course needs an onboarding module. In OPERATION: Tech Bingo, I called it Basic Training. For this Tech Adventure, it is called The Maiden Voyage. Here, participants are given information on how to work through the course.
The Maiden Voyage

The Final Adventure
When a participant completes all 12 Adventures, they are then eligible to complete the Final Adventure. By completing this, they would be awarded some “Grand Prize.” For the TWE Tech Adventure, participants win a TWE Tech T-Shirt that they can wear with jeans.
The Final Adventure objective is to allow teachers/participants to use some of the tools they learned and used with students and now apply it to their own learning. Here are the activities:
- Use Draw and Tell to draw a caricature of yourself and tell us one thing we don’t know about you. Save the drawing to your photos. Email the photo to yourself and submit to this assignment.
- Take a selfie and upload it to Chatterpix. Draw a line on your mouth and record two things you love about teaching.
- Take four selfies: one with your favorite device, one with Renee, one with the principal, and one with your best, fashion model face. Make a collage using Pic Collage. Submit your final product to this assignment.
- Create a collage using Pic Collage with a picture of you, your family, your pets (if you have some), and some of your favorite things. Use Puppet Edu to add text and music. Upload to this assignment when you’re done.
- Using FlipGrid, share your experience going through TWE Tech Adventure. What did you like? What didn’t you like? Did you learn new things?
Quite of few of the staff members at TWE have finished and really enjoyed the gamified learning experience.
My next endeavor is to gamify one of our Virtual School courses that I will then teach this summer.