Garrison #1 Structure

A village in the foreground with a castle fortress off in the distance.

Garrison #1 has five different modules. The encounters are in their own modules so I could use MasterPaths and give students the option to skip over them. Each “main” module has prerequisites and each module has requirements.

Here is a look at the entire set-up:

The modules with the encounters do not have prerequisites and they do not have requirements.

When students complete the last module, they will be awarded a badge through Badgr. Notice in the last module, the last page of the module does NOT have a requirement. For Badgr to award the badge, all requirements must be met before a badge is awarded. Sometimes, students view the last page, but do not click “Next” to alert Badgr that they have fulfilled the requirement of viewing the page.

NOTE: For more information on setting up Badgr, check out this link!

The Map

Here is the map that I drew as I created the adventure.

I put possible XP earned on the map so I could see how fast students might level up. I also needed a big picture of keeping things balanced.