As Scott and Rebekah got older, I acquired a lot of things we could pull out and do: money dice, Tangrams, BrainQuest, Story Cubes, Scrabble Dice, Pictionary, mazes, math facts, and word searches. Since some of those activities were not that exciting to the kids (math facts, for one) and some of the games were hard to play with two or three people (Pictionary), I decided to make a Family Game that encompassed ALL of these things. It’s quite elaborate and I’m fairly certain, no, I’m absolutely certain I’m the only one who can facilitate this game with it’s millions of parts, pieces, and rules.
The Making of the Family Game
I pulled out everything I could think of and began making the board.
The rules of the game evolved, as did the game board. Over time, we added more games to the household and the kids got iPhones. So, I tried to incorporate those as well. Yes, it does have the look of a Sorry game because Sorry is a great game! The original version had the kids getting four pawns to their home as well.
I created it all in Publisher, printed it in four sections, and put it on foam poster board. Each of the children also had a scorecard. Know why they loved playing? I paid them. Ha!
One more variation of the game board:
Rules of the Family Game
- Fill in each checkbox by answering the category question correctly and earn a Tangram puzzle piece or money for correct answers.
- First one to check all boxes, add or subtract to $5.00 in Math Money Category, and move all pawns into home earns $1.00 bonus.
- Moving into home: If you roll and even number, you can split the roll between two pawns. The last pawn must be moved in on an exact roll.
- Players may return to completed categories as many times as they would like to earn extra money.
- Once all seven Tangram pieces are acquired, draw a Tangram card, and complete the Tangram puzzle. A completed puzzle is worth $5.00.
- Math Facts: With a 1-minute time-limit, answer as many math facts as possible. Check box on scorecard once complete. Each correct math fact earns $0.05.
- Brain Quest: Answer question correctly, check box on scorecard, and earn $0.25.
- Math Money: Roll the money dice and subtract the amount from $5.00 (when Rebekah was little, I had her add to $5.00).
- ABC: Roll the Scrabble dice and make the best, highest scoring word. Earn $0.05 for each point.
- Bible: Answer a Bible question and earn $0.25.
- Equate: Use seven Equate tiles to create an equation. Earn $0.25 for a correct equation.
- J.F.T. (Jordan Family Trivia): Answer a family trivia question and earn a Tangram puzzle piece.
- Draw: Get a Pictionary card and draw the picture. Get a correct guess from Mom in a 1 minute time limit and earn a Tangram puzzle piece.
- Veggie Tales: Answer a trivia question and earn a puzzle piece.
- Sports Rules: Answer a rules question and earn a puzzle piece.
- Sponge Time: Everyone plays. List as many items as you can (states, vegetables, family members, etc). Each item earns $0.05 per item and one puzzle piece.
- Word Search: One minute to circle as many words as you can find. Each word earns $0.05 and one puzzle piece.
A Few Last Words About the Game
I found a wooden art box at Hobby Lobby that fit everything perfectly! I cut a small crease in the foam, game board so it would fold over and all the game pieces fit in the top tray. I ordered fun, monopoly game pieces so each of the kids had their own theme: SpongeBob, Looney Tunes, sports, etc. They are pewter and I ordered directly from Hasbro website, but I’m not sure they sell individual pieces anymore. I’m sure they are on Amazon or eBay. Since I am a math teacher, I had a lot of the “fun” dice. You can see them in the tray. My daughter, however, informed me at one point that “nobody thinks those are fun except you.” Nice.
So! You’re probably tired just READING about the game, much less trying to play it. It was a long-term commitment to play. Much longer than any Monopoly game you’ve ever played and rivals the length it takes to play a game of Risk.